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All You Need to Know Some Interesting Facts About Parrots

Parrots are one of the most intelligent creatures, and the most loved by people as pets after cats and dogs. These birds are loved for their build, colorful feathers, as well as the unique ability to mimic human voices and words. But of course, that’s just the surface. There are many other interesting facts about parrots, some of which I’ll discuss in this article.

10 Amazing Facts About Parrots

1. Parrots are Mostly Monogamous

One of the most interesting facts about parrots is that they are monogamous, meaning they mate with a single partner for life. They form loving relationships similar to humans, and tend to stay together, even outside the breeding season.

However, there are a few factors that impact this monogamy, such as:

  • Changing partners between seasons; this is known as parrot divorce.
  • Repairing after the death of their partner.
  • Selective partnership; some parrots don’t get along with just anyone.

2. Your Parrot Could Outlive You

Another of the interesting facts about parrots is that they have lifespans that are comparable to – and may even exceed – humans’. Some parrots’ lifespan goes to 30 years, however, larger species of the bird may live up to 80 years too.

Moreover, according to studies, the lifespan of a parrot depends on the size of its brain. The larger the brain, the longer it’ll be able to survive in the environment.

3. Not All Parrots are Tropical

When it comes to learning interesting facts about parrots, you may wonder why do people call parrots tropical birds. On that note, there are 350 parrot species around the world, with a majority living in tropical and subtropical regions.

But even so, some parrots choose non-tropical regions for settling down. For example, the keas inhabit New Zealand’s alpines. While Austral Parakeets can survive easily in temperate climates.

4. Parrot Beaks are Strong

Wondering do parrots have strong beaks? Well, here’s your answer: yes. One of the most interesting facts about parrots revolves around exploring the many tasks these birds perform using their beaks. They use it to break down their food, but also while grooming, vocalizing, playing, climbing, caring for their young, and even exploring their surroundings. Some large parrots have beaks so strong they can even crush the shell of a Brazil nut.

5. They Mimic Human Speech

Perhaps one of the most interesting facts about parrots is that they can talk. While there are a few animals that can do this, including ravens and mynahs, the clarity with which parrots learn to mimic and repeat human words is the biggest hint of their high IQ.

These birds possess a unique voice box and brain pathway for vocal learning. This allows them to easily repeat human words, and even sing, to get attention from their caregivers. Due to this skill of theirs, parrots are counted on as friendly and interactive house pets just like cats and dogs.

6. Parrot Can Weigh as Much as a Newborn

One of the interesting facts about parrots is that they can vary dramatically in size. New Zealand’s flightless Kakapo parrot is a nocturnal bird that can weigh about 7 pounds, making it the heaviest of the parrots. Whereas the adult male Kakapo weighs around 9 pounds, as big as a full-term newborn infant. This is also the rarest type, with only 126 known to be alive.

While the smallest parrot is about three inches long, named the psittacine species, and as big as an adult human’s finger. And the longest parrot in the world is the hyacinth macaw, which is around 3 to 4 inches long.

7. Parrots are Mostly Omnivores

Parrots are considered omnivores, capable of following a diet similar to humans, depending on their environment. They love seeds and crack open nutshells using their strong beaks. Parrots can also eat fruits, with guava being their favorite.

Occasionally, they can be fed lean-cooked meat, in limited amounts, as too much meat could make them sick or get heart diseases. Apart from this, parrots can also eat worms and insects, with Keas using their long beaks to find worms from the ground.

8. A Group of Parrots is a Pandemonium

An interesting fact about parrots is that they’re referred to as pandemonium when grouped. The word means wild and noisy. This is widely fitting to the species as they are quite chaotic, noisy, and manic, especially the young ones.

The more conventional term for them would be a flock, but personally, I love the word pandemonium to describe this chaotic and adorable species. They can also be known as a “company”, which is what a colorful group of parrots resembling a military parade would be called.

9. Parrots Lay Two to Eight Eggs at a Time

Speaking of interesting facts about parrots, their breeding habits are unique. They lay around two to eight eggs at a time. These eggs have an incubation period of 18 to 30 days, and male and female parents take turns during this time to sit on the eggs. Once these eggs hatch, the baby parrots take around 3 weeks to develop feathers.

10. World Parrot Day Comes on 31st May

Addressing interesting facts about parrots, it’s worth mentioning that they have an international day, which comes in May every year. People use this day to share information about parrots, focusing on their habitability, species, and protection. This helps spread important knowledge among people on what they can do to save this unique and lovable bird and its different species.

Bonus Parrot Fun Facts:

  • Budgies and cockatiels are the most popular house pets.
  • New Zealand is home to a few of the unique parrot species.
  • Parrots are bright and colorful birds, with some species having more than one color in their feathers.

So there it is, all the interesting facts about parrots that would get you to love these birds even more. Hence, if you’re looking for a friendly, interactive, and fun companion in the house, look no further than parrots. They’re colorful, beautiful, and overall make great friends with humans. And if you want to know more facts about animals, visit Unheard Miracles, or just reach out to me on socials!

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